Al Gray Marine Leadership Forum

Meet the Marine. Be Inspired.

Al Gray Marine Leadership Forum

The educational programs of Carolina Museum of the Marine are based on General Al Gray’s vision to use the Marine example to inspire future generations and is committed to the education of individuals of all ages. We will teach the core values, strategic thinking skills, and leadership traits and principles that are emblematic of the Marine Corps.


Al Gray Marine Leadership Forum

Classes inspired by General Al Gray will equip leaders to:

  • Develop the skills of thinking, including understanding the structure of arguments and counterarguments, types of reasoning, logical fallacies, and the importance of worldview to thinking and understanding,
  • Recognize the right of each person to think and speak for him- or herself, to engage in conversation and debate honestly and with the intention to listen to others in order to understand them as they wish to be understood,
  • Remind Americans that a rich and happy life involves training our bodies as well as our minds and providing ample opportunities for both.


Four Stars copy

We are building a 25,000 square foot museum and integrating our educational programs within the mission of Carolina Museum of the Marine (CMOTM). The Museum’s Al Gray Marine Leadership Forum will teach the core values, strategic thinking skills, and leadership traits and principles that are emblematic of the United States Marine Corps.  CMOTM’s overarching educational mission is to use the example of the Marine to inspire future generations.

Since 1775, the United States Marine Corps has been integral to the security of our country. Integral to the mission of the Corps are the core values of honor, courage, and commitment.  The histories of the Marine Corps and of the United States Navy are graced with a wealth of examples of these core values in action.  This history is worthy of remembrance and respect.

The three most important things the Marine Corps does for the Nation are make Marines, win our Nation’s battles, and return quality citizens.  CMOTM is dedicated to remembering and honoring the many achievements of Carolina Marines and Sailors, and to bringing those achievements to the American public.  You will meet the Marine and be inspired.

Warm Regards and Semper Fidelis,

General Al Gray, USMC (Ret)
29th Commandant
Executive Board Member
Founder, Al Marine Leadership Forum


History of Al Gray Marine Leadership Forum

The educational programs of Carolina Museum of the Marine are based on General Al Gray’s vision to use the Marine example to inspire future generations and is committed to the education of individuals of all ages. We will teach the core values, strategic thinking skills, and leadership traits and principles that are emblematic of the Marine Corps.


Al Gray, Marine – In Memoriam

General Al Gray

General Al Gray died early on Wednesday March 20, 2024 at the age of 95. He was a leader and friend of Carolina Museum of the Marine, serving on the Executive Committee of our Board of Directors since October 17, 2017. The Marine Corps Times, reporting on General Gray’s passing, referred to him as: “the enlisted Marines’ commandant.”

General Al Gray, USMC (Ret) pays his respects at the 39th Beirut Memorial Observance, Jacksonville, NC. 23 October 2022.